Chartered 1952

Month: October 2019

Fresno Sigma Chi Holds 1st Annual Scholarship Award Banquet Celebrating Academics

The Fresno Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter has created several endowments that provide scholarships to undergraduate Sigma Chis at CSUF.  The alumni brothers who have funded the endowments did so to recognize and reward academic excellence, and also for leadership and brotherhood contributions to the active chapter. The scholarships are specifically intended to be used by

Fresno State Active Chapter Donates $30,000 to Valley Children’s Hospital-#1 in Sigma Chi Philanthropy

Greetings from Valley Children’s Healthcare Foundation (October 2019 Philanthropy E-News) A big thank you to Fresno State Sigma Chi Fraternity for donating $30,000 to Valley Children’s through their recent Derby Days event and other activities. In 2018, Fresno State’s Sigma Chi chapter, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals partner, raised more funds for their local children’s