Chartered 1952

Month: August 2018

EX Alumni Energize Chapter House with Solar Summer of 2018

Sigma Chi Fraternity at CSU Fresno has completed the installation of solar panels that will serve the chapter house for the next 30 years.  The system includes 135 panels mounted on a solar structure that will also serve as shaded parking.  Included underneath the structure is additional security lighting. The system will produce a maximum

New Solar System is Dedicated to Steve Heinrichs August 2018

On August 4, 2018 the solar installation was dedicated to Steve Heinrichs (CSUF 65-F) who entered the Chapter Eternal on September 4, 2016.  Steves’ wife, Dorothy, attended the dedication as the guest of honor.  Steve served as quaestor and consul while he was an undergraduate at Epsilon Eta, and after graduation he served briefly as

Two Electric Vehicle Chargers are Installed at Chapter House

Two electric vehicle chargers were added adjacent to the parking lot below the solar structure.  They are for the use of all undergraduates, and there will be no charge for the power. It is estimated that by 2025, 25% of all automobile buyers in North America will at least consider buying an all-electric vehicle, and