Planning for the event quickly shifted to Plan B when the forecast predicted a 100% chance of rain. It was to take place on the patio where it was last year during the normal heat wave Fresno experiences continuously from May to October. The ever-resilient Sigma Chi alumni simply adjusted quickly to climate change.
There were many things to celebrate that night. First and foremost, brother Brad Fischer (78-S) requested a moment of silence for 2000 Order of Constantine, Oran McNeil (52-T). Oran entered our Chapter Eternal on April 7th.
He than introduced Significant Sig Colin Kelly (62-F) who, with his wife Karen, travelled all the way from Newport Coast to be back with us in Fresno again. Brad also congratulated Chuck Sant’Agata (56-S) for being named Top Dog by the Fresno State Alumni Association. He was nominated by the School of Arts and Humanities and is the 22nd Sigma Chi to be a Top Dog. Other Top Dogs present at the dinner were Mike Patton, Leo Wilson and Brad Fischer.

Brad noted that there have been 11 Fresno State brothers awarded Order of Constantine since the award’s inception at the 1948 Grand Chapter. Present were Chuck Sant’Agata, Mike Patton, Greg Baxter, Tom Downing, Dave Reuland and Bill Matesso. And there have been 14 Fresno State brothers named Significant Sigs since that award’s inception at the 1935 Grand Chapter. Present were Colin Kelly, Marvin Meyers, Col Elvin C Bell, Leo Wilson, Tim Vaux, Tony Flores and our 2019 recipient Mike Patton. In 2011 the International Fraternity created the Seven Lights Alumni award which was given to Henry Brock in 2014 and Brad Fischer in 2018.
After introducing Chapter Advisor, Dusty Lacefield, Brad turned the program over to Bill Matesso. Bill offered congratulations to brother John Ballinger for being the 2019 recipient of the William T. Bringham Best House Corporation Officer Award, the only one awarded in 2019 in North America. John serves as president of our Epsilon Eta House Corporation.
Tony Flores (56-S) finished the program by announcing that during the previous week the Fresno Sigma Chi Endowment board had voted unanimously to take steps to raise the goal for the amount in our endowments from $1 million to $3 million. The earnings generated annually will be used for scholarships awarded to undergraduate brothers who choose to live in the Chapter House and who achieve a minimum GPA. When we reach our goal, he noted, Fresno Sigma Chi will be the first Greek housing in North America to provide affordable housing to its members.
Three undergraduate brothers were on hand at the dinner to help set up, serve and clean up. They did a great job and we really appreciated their help.

Pictured above are brothers Kane Sawyer (18-F), Christian Cline (18-F), McKay Romero (18-F), Dusty Lacefield (12-F) and Dusty’s fiancé Haley Evans all singing The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi. Dusty and Haley will be married this November.